Work being done by the Inquiry team to gather evidence. Some readers may find parts of the evidence upsetting or distressing.
Evidences list
Dorothy Barbour Witness Statement
This document is the witness statement provided by Dorothy Barbour to the Inquiry.
Day 346 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Submissions were made by Mr Hamilton, Mr George Scott, 'Frank', Mr McNaughtan and Mr Brown
GAM Witness Statement
This document is the witness statement provided by anonymous witness GAM to the Inquiry
(Lindsay) GFI Witness Statement
This document is the witness statement provided by anonymous witness Lindsay (GFI) to the Inquiry
(Lewis) GEZ Witness Statement
This document is the witness statement provided by anonymous witness Lewis (GEZ) to the Inquiry
(Anna) GGI Witness Statement
This document is the witness statement provided by anonymous witness Anna (GGI) to the Inquiry
(Jack) GEI Witness Statement
This document is the witness statement provided by anonymous witness Jack (GEI) to the Inquiry
(John) GEG Witness Statement
This document is the witness statement provided by (John) GEG to the Inquiry
(Angus) GEU Witness Statement
This document is the witness statement provided by (Angus) GEU to the Inquiry