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Work being done by the Inquiry team to gather evidence. Some readers may find parts of the evidence upsetting or distressing.

Evidences list

Witness Statements note icon

(Angus) GEU Witness Statement

This document is the witness statement provided by (Angus) GEU to the Inquiry

Witness Statements note icon

(Gregor) GFH Witness Statement

This document is the witness statement provided by (Gregor) GFH to the Inquiry

Transcripts note icon

Day 322 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry

Evidence was heard from William Quigg, (Angela) FWA and (David) MON, and the read in evidence of (Mark) EOP and (Heather) EPB

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Day 295 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry

Evidence was heard from anonymous witnesses (John) EFG and (John) EIC and the read-in evidence of anonymous witnesses (Ann) FNQ, (Buoyant) BCS, (John) FCN and (Agnes) FRF

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Day 293 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry

Evidence was heard from anonymous witnesses (May) EKV, (Jane) FDO and (Brian) ELA and the read-in evidence of anonymous witness (Emma) QDQ and Adam McCallum

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Day 280 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry

Evidence was heard from Ms Alison Jamieson, Ms Helen Happer and Ms Maree Allison

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Day 279 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry

Evidence was heard from Professor Lynn Abrams

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Day 278 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry

Evidence was heard from Dr Maggie Grant and Professor Nina Biehal

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Day 277 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry

Day 277 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry

Evidence was heard from Professor Andrew Kendrick

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